Use belwo code instead of current used by "main/search_sort_by.tpl" or "customer/search_sort_by.tpl"
<strong class="search-sort-title">{$lng.lbl_sort_by}:</strong>
<select name="sort_by" ONCHANGE="location = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;" >
{foreach from=$sort_fields key=name item=field}
{if $navigation_page > 1}
{assign var="cur_url" value=$url|cat:"page="|cat:$navigation_page|cat:"& amp;sort="|cat:$name|cat:"&sort_direction="}
{assign var="cur_url" value=$url|cat:"sort="|cat:$name|cat:"&sort_direction="}
<option value="{$cur_url}1" {if $name eq $selected && $direction eq 1}selected="selected"{/if}>{$field} (UP)</option>
<option value="{$cur_url}0" {if $name eq $selected && $direction eq 0}selected="selected"{/if}>{$field} (Down)</option>
there is a small problem, when I search a word in my x-cart, and then I want to sort my search . the link will be without the url and shows .
ReplyDeleteinstead of
Best Regards
check your form action attribute either its missing or wrong. still have issue provide site url. so i can check the problem.